Time for the spring clean-up chores! We appreciate everyone who can make time to stop in and help. A list of needed jobs will be posted later.
HUC Work Day List 4/29/23
Wash Windows in Church building, mainly those that are looked through, {front doors, sanctuary, etc}. Don’t bother with those in the fellowship hall, they are being replaced soon.
Good deep cleaning, dust window sills.
Windows, vacuum & dust Prayer Meeting house, North & South houses.
Check screws in seats in sanctuary, some are coming loose
Clean ceiling fan blades in auditorium
Check light fixtures, probably need cleaning, and may need some bulbs changed. New bulbs will be LED, need to rewire to remove ballasts. Need wire nuts.
Replace cross lights.
Lights, north and south sides of church, reset timer for front lights.
Wall at the bottom of the North stairs needs to be fixed and possibly water leak problem in that wall. Need to make sure the dirt is sloped away from the foundation on the outside.
Check nozzle screens in all faucets, clean if needed.
Check toilets to make sure they are not leaking.
Wash Windows at Way Station, check steps & handrail @ Way Station, Also, north and south house porch boards.
Clean out storage areas of unused items , move paint cans to north house.
Check & lubricate the sign lock, edgers around sign.
Check & clean out gutters if needed on all properties. Will require tall ladder and garden hose.
Trim bushes, pick weeds, and pick up branches, rake remaining leaves and dead plants on all properties . Remove or trim evergreen shrubs in front of guest house. Remove trees growing up in them.
Clean window wells around the church basement, plastic cover needs replacing on the south side of church.
Check water pump at guest house . Shower faucet needs replacing, leaks. Repair cover to the water pump, east side guest house. Needs 2x4 board replaced.
TOOLS TO BRING; Ladders, Racks, Trash bags or boxes, Saws, supplies for cleaning, chain saw, screw drivers, Lubricant, wire nuts, wire pliers, shop vac, pliers, screws, other tools as needed.